Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day One

So, I signed up for Weight Watchers again. Thank goodness Alex works for Home Depot (discount). I also found a super cheap boot camp and joined. Today was my first day of camp. I went with high expectations. I got there a bit late (which I hate) because it’s about 40 min away from my home. The class started with running… I was scared because I know I’m SOOOOO out of shape. I got going and didn’t do too bad. We did a ton of exercises and by the end of class I thought I was going to die or at least throw up. I held myself together and got in my car for the long drive home. I felt like I was so sick the whole way home. I was thinking of excuses why I couldn’t go back and trying to justify the money I spent for not going. I finally got home and still felt super sick. I finally got feeling better. I ate dinner and am now doing fine. I even took a short bike ride with Edith to get some of her energy out. I’m still feeling weak but I’m excited for the day that at the end of class I don’t feel like I’m on the verge of death.

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