Saturday, July 2, 2011

Speed Bump

If you have even tried to conceive for any amount of time you are likely familiar with how I feel every four weeks. I anticipate the moment where the pregnancy test comes back positive. I take a test regularly until I realize it is not happening this month. Anyone TTC will feel sad and a little upset for at least a period of time. I keep feeling that I should try harder but I don't know how that could even happen. Then I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on myself. Then I wonder if I'm missing something and if it is even going to happen, again. I think these times spent trying to have a family are filled with these speed bumps to teach me a lesson but I don't know what that lesson is yet. I'm still working on myself and learning and trying to be a better person, I just struggle with whatever lesson this is! Well, I'm keepin this short and sweet!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya, girl! Just try to keep in mind that Heavenly Father knows best (dang it!) and there really is a reason we don't get what we want right when we want it (clearly, you know this, and I know this, but that doesn't make it any easier!) As always, I love you!!!
